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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Bent a 6" G5 bolt double overhand
2 x 35# plate pinch (deep dish) - 1 right missed left
5 -10# plate pinch - 1 right miss left
Back Squat (cambered bar) 307# - i wanted 315 for Rindo's challenge but it was not to be - 307 was my challenge number though
Box Jump onto a 36" box - made it
COC 2.5 TNS (120#) easy one

This is 70 items done

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

G/H Raises with monster mini band x 10
2" Climber Pinch - 70#
2.5" Climber pinch - 76#
3" climber Pinch - 74#
4" climber Pinch - 66#
Sledge finger walk - 12# x 1 L&R
Fat Grip Farmers walk - 70# dumbbells x 72 yards
Atomic Athletic Grip Machine - 177# x 7 reps
45# York Blob DL - 1 R and miss left

Monday, August 27, 2018

ISG - Goal 1&12 - did 1 &12
Dumbbell Curl - Goal 55 - did 55
150 stone to chest - done
150 stone to shoulder - done
205 stone to chest - done
32K KB bottoms up press - 1 r - miss L
One hand press - 32K KB x 1 R&L
EZ Bar Curl - goal 125 - did 135
Euro at 52 - goal was 210 - missed that got 200#
12# Sledge choke coin load at 16" did 17"

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Ring Dips - Goal 10 - did 10
Rings - inverted pulls - thumbs to waist - goal 10 - did 10
IM Axle Dl - Goal 300 - did 300
Trap Bar DL - goal 407 - did 407
Push Press - goal 135 - did 135
Overhead Squat - goal 60K - did 60K
Bearhug Carry - 100#+ Stone out to fence and back - Done

Friday, August 24, 2018

L Sit leg spreads on floor - goal 10 did 10
Vinyasas- goal 3 - did 5
Campus Board 1-4-7 Done
2 3/8" Axle - 275# - took a few tries but got it
5 5K plate pinch - one right - miss left
Nail thru a board - Done
Atomic Athlete grip machine - 77# x 77 reps - easy
Fat Grip Farmers 70# Dumbbells x 70 yards
Was going to do a 607 rack pull but changed my mind - back a little sore

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Warm Up
Neutral Grip pull ups - goal was 14 only got 13 - dissapointed
Dips - Goal was 15 - got 15 - not too hard
Standing Long Jump - goal 7' got 7' 2" only did 2 jumps - might have done better with more
Sissy Squat Machine - goal was 25 - got 25 (hard)
Glute Ham raises with mini band resistance - goal 10 - got 10
Scale Weight DL - 55# each x 1 right - miss left
Rolling Thunder - goal was 150 in plates - got 175 but my RT doesn't spin very well
Did a short general workout also

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Climber Pinch (2") - 207# x 1
Sledge Coin load - 8# hammer at the end
12# Slim Lever on flat
Double 12# Slim Lever on flat
COC 2.5 (120#) R and L x 1
Campus Board #1 to # 5 L&R
Braced Bend a Pittsburgh 6" Adj Wrench
Ab Wheel on knees - 77 reps - this hurt  but mostly my triceps more than my abs
Not challenges just a little work
Trap Bar DL - 277 x 3 x 3
3" Pinch 67.2 and 72.2 (on scales) I usually just write down the plate weight
Calf raises - BW x 30 x 2