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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bike Trainer - 20 minutes
2 3/8" DB Handle hold - 20 seconds L&R
KB Snatch - 12K x 20 L&R   slower today - working on better form
Single KB Clean and Press - 12K x 20 L&R
Dumbbell Curls - 40# x 8-6-4
KB Swings Both hands - 24K x 20

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Concept 2 - 500 meters - 2:15 pace
2 3/8" Dumbbell Handle at 110# - 15 - 10 - 5 second holds L&R
Double KB Clean and Jerk - 12K x 20 - banged my fingers together on the clean once - Ouch
Jump Squats - 50K x 10 x 3 - shallow dip - not max jumps for this first time
Ab Wheel on Knees - 25 reps
KB Swings - one hand - 16 K x 20 L&R

Monday, January 29, 2018

Bike Trainer 20 min
2 3/8" DB Handle - 110# x 6 breaths by 2
KB Snatch - 8K x 20 x 2 L&R
KB C&J - 12 K x 15x2
Sissy Squats  BW x 10 x 2
Swings - 24K x 20
Stretching and Floor Work
ARC on my climbing wall - 10 min

Friday, January 26, 2018

I did something yesterday but it isn't noteworthy enough to post.  Rowing and some Rec Center climbing wall.

Today was a short time of ARC on the EZ side of my climbing wall here at home.
Then some stretching and floor work - need a lot more of this!
Then some Dumbbell curls to see if the elbow was going to even allow me to do curls.  Just 30# bells for 15 reps each hand and elbow was just fine.  I haven't been able to do straight bar curls for many years because of my elbow but EZ Bar has been fine until recently - stupid elbow.  Oh well Dumbbells still work. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bike Trainer - 20 minutes
Dumbbell Bench Press - 70# x 8 x 2
Pullovers - 55# x 10 x 2
EZ Bar curls - 75 x 8 x 2 - messed up my right elbow on the second set - hurts in a bad way now
French Press - 85# x 10 - had to stop because of elbow

Going to have to make a few changes it looks like

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Concept 2 - 500m @ 2:22
*** Bar Jump - 41" ***
Leverage Squat - 140# x 20
KB Swings - 16 K x 20 both - left - right non stop
*** Slim Lever 12# Sledge L&R ***
***Campus Board - 1 to 5 Large rungs***
Standing Calves - BW x 45
Hanging L Sit Leg Spreads - 50

Monday, January 22, 2018

Bike Trainer 20 minutes
*** 70 x 70 list ***
16# Sledge Lever to Face L&R
2x35# plate pinch L&R
5x10# plate pinch
5x5K plate pinch L&R
Wrist Curl 175 - New goal is now 200#
EZ Bar Curl 125# - new goal is 135#

Just didn't feel like working out so did this instead - I need to start working on the list anyway
Spent the weekend playing with the grandson - he turned 1 year old Sunday.  Had to come home early for a funeral - driving was tough last night - it got pretty foggy in places.  One year old little boys are a blast to play with.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dumbbell Bench Press - 65# x 8 x 3
Pullovers - 45# DB x 10 x 3
EZ Bar curls - 75# x 10 x 3
EZ Bar French Press - 75# x 20 x 1

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Bike Trainer - 20 minutes easy
Leverage Squats - 140 x 10 x 3
KB Swings - 16 - 32 - 24K x 20 each
Seated Calf Raises - 170# x 45 x 1
Hanging bicycle - 50 reps counted each left foot rotation - just a little different than the leg spreads
2 3/8" DB Handle @ 110# x 5 each back and forth reps - felt very solid - (as it should at that
weight :) )

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Axle Wrist Curls - 165# x 4
Reverse Wrist Curls - 55# x 8
Axle Wrist Curls - 165# x1 good + 1 cheat (tweaked right wrist a little)
Reverse Wrist Curls - 55# x 8
Behind the back Wrist Curls - 165# x 10
Reverse Curls - 75# x 8
Behind the back Wrist Curls - 165# x8
Reverse Curls - 75# x 8
Levering - 8 all ways including rotation today - palm is good enough to allow them now

Weight a little too much today - I need to get 6 at least on the first set of regular wrist curls if not the second.  The Axle stresses my wrist in a not so good way - I'll try it a few more times but may have to go back to my other bar at this weight.  The jump from regular bar at 150# to 165# on the Axle was too much I guess.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Bike Trainer 20 minutes
DB Bench Press - 50# x 20 reps
V Bar Pull Downs - 120# x 10 x 2
DB Curls - 40# x 10
French Press - 75# x 20 reps

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Every year in January I try to get the Qualifying Standard for Masters Worlds in Olympic Lifting for my 70 x 70 list.  So this morning (with no practice since last January) I did

***Squat snatch - 20-30-40-50-55 - 60Kilos by a miss ***

***Squat clean and Jerk - 55-65-75-85Kilos by a miss ***
Both of these are on the 70 x 70 list
***This also gives a total of 130 kilos - well over the Qualifying Standard for Masters Worlds***
I think I could improve these a little with a few weeks of practice on the lifts

Axle Wrist Curls - 65K x 8
Reverse Wrist Curls - 50# x 12
Axle Wrist Curls behind the back - 65K x 15
Reverse Curls - 70# x 13
Levering front and back

Friday, January 12, 2018

This week is a deload.
Jan 10
KB Swings
Seated Calves
Hanging L Sit Leg spreads

Jan 11
Bike Trainer - 20 minutes easy

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

***Wrist Curls - 150# x 12 - pretty happy with this***
Reverse Wrist curls - 50# x 20
Axle Wrist Curls behind the back - 55K x 20
Reverse Curls - 70 x 11
Levering forward and back - still have that blood vessel (?) on my palm that won't let me do the rotational stuff

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Leverage Squats - 140# x 10 x 3
KB Swings - 16 - 20- 24-28K x 20 each
Standing Calves - BW x 45 x 2
Hanging L Sit Leg Spreads - 30 reps

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Started this program 12 - 14 - 17. It was a straight linear progression and worked for about 3 weeks like I expected. I want one more (at least) Power Forearm workout to get the 150# Wrist Curls done but it's time to figure out what to do now to keep progressing. Some exercises have reached my current strength limit and some have a "don't flare up old injuries" limit. Time to put the ole thinking cap on and see what shakes out for the next 3 or so weeks.
Power Forearms
Wrist Curls - 150# x 6
Reverse Wrist Curls - 50# x 8
Wrist Curls - 150# x 4 - not recovered or just too heavy?  We'll see next time I guess.
Reverse Wrist Curls - 50# x 8
Behind the back Wrist Curls - 150# x 8
Reverse Curls - 70# x 8
Behind the back Wrist Curls - 150# x 8
Reverse Curls - 70# x 8

Friday, January 5, 2018

Palm still sore
Dumbbell Bench Press - 50# x 20 x 1 - Easy today
V Bar Pulldowns 90# x 20 - also easy today
DumbbellCurls - palm hurt too much - passed
Band Triceps - Light and mini band - 20 reps last few hard
Nothing to failure today but a fair workout just the same

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Squats - 60K x 10 x 3
KB swings - 24K x 25 x 2
Seated Calf Raises - 130# x 45 x 2
***Ab Wheel on knees - 50 reps*** Time to switch to hanging L Sit leg spreads now

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Bars cold as hell so changed things up a little for speed :)
Wrist Curls 145# x 9 reps (good ones)
Reverse Wrist Curls - 40# x19
Wrist curls behind the back - 145# x 19 reps ( 16 really good plus a few with momentum)
Reverse Curls 65# x 14 reps
Levering Front - 8 L&R
Levering Rear - 15 reps L&R
***Each set done to failure today - no rest between sets***

Monday, January 1, 2018

Squats 55K x 10 x 3
KB Swings - 24K x 20 x 2
Calf Raises - standing BW x 45 x 2
Ab Wheel on knees - 40 reps
Wrist Curls - 140# x 6
Reverse Wrist Curls - 40# x 8
**Wrist Curls - 140# x 6  Made all my reps with 140# **
Reverse Wrist Curls - 40# x 8
Behind the back Wrist Curls - 140# x 6
Reverse Curls - 60# x 8
Behind the back Wrist Curls - 140# x 6
Reverse Curls - 60# x 8
No Levering as it hurts my palm