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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Abs are sore from yesterdays ab wheel workout
Bike Trainer - 20 minutes
Water Works Hill Walk - 9:11 moderate intensity
Neutral Grip Chin Ups - 25# x 4 - 3 - 2- 1 -1
DB bench press - 60# x 6 x 3
2" DB Handle - 169# x 1 L&R
45# Blob x 1 left - right x 2 misses then got it
ISG - Just some easy reps

Climbing wall for a few hours tonight.  Starting to feel like myself again.  Not back yet but getting there.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Planned day off the chin up program
One Arm KB Push press - 12K x 69 reps L&R - ten reps each hand back and forth until done - This was much harder than I expected it to be LOL
Front Squats - 20-30-40-50-60-70-86K - Goal was 169# but bodyweight today was 86K so that seemed like a better target to shoot for.
One arm overhead KB carry - 69# (actual 72#) by one lap around the house (70 yards) L&R
Ab Wheel on Knees - 69 reps - wasn't too bad but I bet tomorrow will be fun :)
Gracie DB deadlift - 1 rep L&R - hard today
Euro Pinch 2 hand - 110-160-180-200#  Can't really get the "locked on" feeling - need to work on the thumbs - climbing doesn't do much for them

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Wrist Curls - 170# x 6 (loose form but 4 very good reps plus two not so good ones)
Neutral Grip Chin Ups - 25# x 4-3-2-1
2 Hand bar hang for 69 seconds
Superman Pushups - 6 reps
DB Bench Press - 50# x 10
Bike Trainer - 20 minnutes
Walked Rec Center loop - 19:47
Had a couple flashes of face pain this morning.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Neutral Grip Chin Ups - 25# x 3-3-2-1
DB Bench Press - 60# x 5-4-3-2-1
Start of second day of 69th birthday challenges

Euro Pinch at 52mm - 58 - 108 - 158 - 178 - 188 - 198# x miss
Reverse Bend 6 60d nails in a row
Wrist Curls - 69 (70#) x 69 reps (pumped)
2x25 plates pinch farmers carry - 9' L&R - went a lot further but didn't measure
40# York Blob farmers carry - 9' L&R - went a little further but didn't measure
Balance on one foot - 69 seconds L&R

Had an MRI on my brain as part of the Trigeminal Neuralgia issue testing at 7:30 this morning

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Neutral Grip Chin Ups - 25# x 3 - 2-2-2
Bike trainer - 20 minutes
Water Works Hill walk - 8:08
On my 68th birthday I did what was probably one of the best workouts I have done in my life.  68 different items with the number 6 or 8 in either the weight - reps - or time.  This year on my 69th birthday I was off climbing in Tennessee and had a great day of climbing (for me anyway).  So instead of doing it in a day this time I plan to just do a few each day until I get through the list - this time with the numbers 6 or 9 for the weight - reps - or time.  Today I did
COC # 2 for 6 reps L&R
One arm hang for 9 seconds on large Campus rungs L&R
12# Sledge to nose - 6 reps L&R
Lie on back on floor - lift entire body with only heels and elbows on the floor for 9 seconds
Neutral Grip Chin Up - 69# (actual 72# Kettlebell) for 1

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Neutral Grip Chin Ups - body weight x 5-4-3-2-1
Was supposed to use 25# but I washed my dip belt yesterday and it was still wet so just did BW.
ARC on my climbing wall - tried out Blood Flow Restriction bands - didn't seem to do much - I'll play with the location and tension some more and try a few more traditional exercises and see what I find.

Friday, August 25, 2017

20 minute Bike Trainer
Water Works Hill walk

Neutral Grip Chin Ups with 25# attached

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Spent the last week in Tennessee climbing - had a great time and got my butt kicked on quite a few climbs.  Heat got to me one day.  Took one day off and watched the Eclipse (right on the line of totality) - I loved it - really neat when it happened!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Front Squats - 30K x 3  - 40K x 2 x 3  -- 50K x 2 x 2
DB Bench press - 50# x 8 x 3
DB Curls - 25# x 8 x 3
OH KB Carry - 12 K x one lap around house - 70 yards
Went for a walk

Starting to feel a little better - I think the meds are working their way out of my body - brain fogginess is about gone - still fatigued but getting better - face pain still under control

Monday, August 14, 2017

August 13 Nuclear Stress Test
August 14 - today
ARC 20 minutes on my climbing wall
Went for a couple mile walk

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Still pretty messed up sick feeling - don't know if it's the drugs or what it might be.
Bike Trainer - 20 minutes average heart rate of 88 so nice and easy - did not feel the extreme fatigue I have been feeling so I guess that's progress.
Dexterity Balls
Reverse Wrist Curls
Just a little hangboard playing around - nothing structured

Friday, August 11, 2017

Squat Snatch - 20K x 3 - 30K x 2 x 5 sets
Chin Ups - neutral Grip - BW x 4 x 3 sets
Push Ups - 15 reps
Band Triceps - light band x 15
Farmers Walk - 45# DBs x one lap around house - 70 yards

Super tired today.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Concept 2 on #4 - 1000 meter row

Rec Center Climbing Wall tonight.  Feel like it's going to be a good evening climbing - I feel better than I have for a while now.

The new pill is much better so far - I don't feel like crap all the time - side effects are much reduced and face pain is manageable so far.  If only it lasts - the first pill was good for 3 or 4 days before it got bad - hoping this one does better.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Front Squats - 40K x 3 x 5
Dumbbell Bench Press - 45# x 8 x 3
Dumbbell Curls - 25# x 8 x 2
40 degree climbing chest pulls - BW x 5 x 3
One Arm Overhead KB carries - 12K x one lap around house

Started a new drug for my Trigeminal neuralgia - am hoping for the best - time will tell.  Today's workout felt pretty good - still looks like something a little girl would do but better than it has been for a while now.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Had a 10:15 doctors appointment
Worked out before I went - just ARC on the climbing wall for 30 minutes - with a 1000m row on the rower (5:00 minutes) as a warmup.  A few reverse wrist curls etc to bring out the veins in my forearms so there could get blood easier.  I have a new (different) drug to try - hopefully it works on the face pain but has fewer side effects than the current one.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Overhead Press - 45 x 8 x 3
Dead Lift - 45 x 8 x 3
Dumbbell Curls - 20 - 25# x 8 x 3
Squat on Toes - BW x 10 x 2
Calf Raises - BW x 8 x 3

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Feeling "not so bad" today.  Not great but improved.
Concept 2 on #4 - 500 meters at 2:24
Concept 2 on #4 - 500 meters at 2:02  Max HR 118
DB Curls - 20# x 10- x 2
DB Bench Press - 35# x 15
Squats on Toes - BW x 10 x2
Levering - easy all directions

Saturday, August 5, 2017

1/2 pill last night and this morning
Sick last few days
Concept 2 on #4 - 500m in 2:57
Concept 2 on #4 - 500m in 2:17
ARC - 20 minutes - both sides of my garage wall
Having the"greasy sweats" but feel better than the last few days
Fell like doing more but will stop for now - I need on the recovery I can get

Friday, August 4, 2017

Too messed up to even get to the gym - which is maybe 15' from the house.  I'm supposed to go climbing this weekend but that ain't a gonna happen - I staggered and about fell down just going to get my supper in the kitchen.  I think the drug has me "poisoned" for lack of a better term,  I'm trying to just make it to Tuesday and see what the doc says about all this.  I guess it is better than the horrible pain I was in but - well - it's not all that much better.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sick!  Like a fever - shakes - sick stomach feeling - headache (sinus I guess) - just sick.  This is not the face pain or medication sick this is a sick sick kind of thing.  I did get a lot of sleep though - 8 hours last night and another 8 or 10 on and off today.  Went to the climbing wall - did no more than maybe 10 or 12 routes and laid down on the floor and went to sleep - totally exhausted - had trouble getting up off the floor after waking up - I'm really looking forward to feeling better for a change.  Calling Dr House :)

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Pretty much FUBARed as to a work out.  I went back onto a full pill twice a day starting yesterday to see what effect it would have on my nose pain.  Unfortunately it didn't help much but it  did bring back all the side effects big time.  Loss of balance - sleepy - twitchy or jerky - but only the smallest help with the pain level.  A big "crap" - things were going so well there for a while.  Pain isn't as bad as it was but it ain't great either. 

Did a bunch of stretching and floor work - figured if I was already on or near the floor I couldn't fall very far.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

2 PM
Dex Balls - Reverse Wrist curls - ISG
ARC - Easy side 10 minute warm up
Hang Board - made most things harder today - fingers now ache like the devil
Block Weights
Push Ups - 20 reps
Calves and feet - stretch and strenghten
Still beat up from the weekend - it's going to take a while to come back from 7 months of the face pain being like it was (and still is somewhat)